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My Journey in the World of Inline Skating

Memories and Lived Experiences


My name is Marc Manzanares, and since I was four years old, the world of inline skating has been my unwavering passion. I fondly remember my first steps on wheels when my parents gifted me a pair of skates from Decathlon, equipped with rear training wheels that provided stability in my early attempts. At the age of five, the Three Wise Men surprised me with blue plastic skates, marking the beginning of my inline skating journey.

My early inline skating adventures took place in the town of Palafolls, where I spent hours with my friends in the square, sharing laughter, playing games like “tag” and “bote-bote”, always on inline skates. It was during this time that my blue inline skates suddenly split in half on the grass, signaling the start of a series of inline skates that would accompany me on my journey.

Red and white inline skates from Decathlon came to my rescue, with surprisingly silent wheels. I loved how I could move silently, which allowed me to hide better while playing. During this period, my friends Marc and Laia also joined the world of inline skating. It’s a time I remember with great fondness.

At eight years old, my life took a turn as I moved to Badalona. While my friends left inline skating behind, I persisted. I inline skated along the Rambla de Badalona and its surroundings, exploring my environment but staying close to home due to my young age.


In my teenage years, I took a bold step by venturing beyond Badalona and exploring Barcelona through thrilling inline skating routes. I discovered that I enjoyed inline skating alone, but I also began connecting with other inline skating enthusiasts in Barcelona, becoming more involved in this captivating community, a world in which I am still deeply immersed.

At fourteen, the online world opened its doors to me through YouTube, where I discovered a vibrant and talented community of inline skaters. One particular video featuring Oli Benet and Andy Egido promoting Flying Eagle skates left an indelible mark on me. This marked the beginning of my fascination with the brand, leading me to acquire my own red Flying Eagle Falcon F6 skates during their peak of popularity.

Over the next few years, from fifteen to seventeen, I decided to explore inline hockey at the Tucans club. Despite my late start, I was warmly welcomed by this team, which provided me not only with equipment but also with friendship and support. During this time, I also dabbled in freeskating and freestyle slalom, discovering the various facets of inline skating.

At sixteen, my passion for inline skating merged with my education as I conducted my high school research project on the world of inline skating, earning top marks. As part of this project, I included an enriching interview with the owner of the Roex store, an experience for which I am deeply grateful.

During these years, I participated in organized routes by the “Asociación de Patinadores de Barcelona” (APB), which allowed me to meet exceptional people like DKool, La Bicho, and others. La Bicho, in particular, is a passionate inline skater who wholeheartedly dedicates herself to inline skating without expecting anything in return. She has always been willing to offer her selfless assistance, an attitude that I deeply appreciate and value. It was La Bicho who encouraged me to join inline speed skating and introduced me to the Can Cuyás club. There, I found another dimension of inline skating that I had never explored before. I was exceptionally well-treated, and I was captivated by the world of inline speed skating, an entirely new experience for me. Although I was excited to dive into this world, I faced a challenge – inline speed skates were expensive, and due to the unique shape of my foot, none of them fit properly. Custom-made inline skates were prohibitively expensive for someone relatively inexperienced in this specific discipline, ultimately leading me to make the difficult decision to step away. Despite this setback, the lessons learned and the enthusiasm gained at the Can Cuyás club remain invaluable in my ongoing journey in the world of inline skating.

At nineteen, I decided to venture to Dubai for an inline skating adventure on my own. However, the relentless heat and the city’s limitations for inline skating left a bittersweet taste in this experience.

Young adult

At twenty, I acquired my second-to-last pair of inline skates, the same Flying Eagle model, this time in green. Additionally, I decided to turn my hobby into more than just a pastime and started offering individual inline skating lessons, with a structured and detailed approach. Over fifty students have passed through my classes, an achievement overshadowed by an injury that temporarily forced me to stop.

Currently, I am working at an inline skate shop, Rollergrind360, gaining valuable knowledge about inline skate maintenance and sales, learning from influential figures like Charly, and teaching extracurricular inline skating classes to children at various schools in Barcelona. This year, I founded an Inline Skating Association and breathed life into the individual inline skating competition known as “Patinaje Ardiente”, with the goal of promoting inline skating and exploring Barcelona’s iconic locations.

Recognizing the need to provide more solid support to those beginning their inline skating journey, I have developed a specialized course: “Ignite your inner flame: The Road to Patinaje Ardiente”. This course is designed to equip beginners with the skills and confidence necessary to fully enjoy the Patinaje Ardiente competition while nurturing their love and commitment to inline skating.

Together, we will continue to ignite the passion for inline skating and explore new horizons on wheels. The journey has only just begun.

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