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Price information for all Association projects

Price list for associates

Become a member of the Association for only €19/quarter, contributing to the project’s progress, and enjoy the following benefits:

Inline skating classes€34/month1 hour per week
Competition (all sessions)FreeStarting from Season 2
Competition (1 day)FreeVenture out and discover the magic of the competition
Where is Marc?1 direct participation + 1 extra participation for each district you attend from the competitionYou will automatically participate in the Wally draw, and consistency in competition will be rewarded
Enigma€4Discover the enigma and win the jackpot!

Prices for non-members

The prices for non-members will be as follows:

Inline skating classes€49/month1 hour per week
Competition (all sessions)€9/monthStarting from Season 2
Competition (1 day)€4Venture out and discover the magic of the competition
Where is Marc?--
Enigma€9Discover the enigma and win the jackpot!

Payment Methods

The payment methods, both for members and non-members, are through Bizum or in cash.

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